I'm looking for a good 3D printer

Hi everyone. I am new here. I use Comgrow Creality Ender 3 Pro. They also have cheaper model Comgrow Creality Ender 3 :slightly_smiling_face:


I recommend you to read review about Hobbyist 3D printers I hope this will help you to understand the basics and professional usage also specification.

I decided on the Longer Orange 10. I’m really excited about the level of detail possible with miniatures on resin printers. :smiley:

For my first print, I want to make a Tech Deck handrail.

I divided it into pieces to glue together, so it’ll fit in the printer.

The resin I chose is Siraya Blu because of its strength.

I’m still working on perfecting the 3D model though.


Nice, how did it come out?

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Thanks! I’m still working on it.

Here are the pieces after curing in the sunlight.

Currently, I’m assembling it by super gluing the pieces together.

Here’s a close up of one of some connections.

I decided on weathered steel paint for a, hopefully, realistic look.

I’ll probably just make the stairs out of cardboard and printer paper with texture images taped on.

I finally finished it! It came out good. :smiley:


Awesome mate!

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I have the ender 4 and ender 10s pro. I really like them because of the cost and post-market modifications. I am exploring coplanar printing now…stronger models and interesting results. Coplanar Printing Overview

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How much did that printer set you. Back, really want a resin one now!

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I got the Longer Orange 10 for $229 from Amazon. Overall, I’m very satisfied with it.

Also, I got Siraya Blu resin. It’s a relatively strong resin for making working parts.

Heads up, photopolymer resin is not safe to touch until it’s cured. Resin can cause burns & blisters, so it’s dangerous stuff. Be sure to get some nitrile gloves too. I even wore safety goggles. You’ve only got two eyes, so you might as well protect them.

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Why check that article? How do we know it contains current information? It’s undated – it could be 5 year old info and mostly worthless today.

Just an observation.