Identifying a Plugin in "sketchup+artisan(chippendale chair part 8)" You Tube video

Hi Sketchup people,

I am trying to identify plugin used in this video sketchup+artisan(chippendale chair part 8) - YouTube
It looks like that 19
Very much appreciate help!

It’s written in the title … “artisan” - Artisan Organic Toolset plugin.

Thank you for your quick reply mihai.s

You’re welcome! I just bought the plugin, it was easy for me to recognize it. :wink:

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Artisan is an amazing plugin! I’ve had it for a while now and my favorite tool in Artisan is subdivide. It also has great tools for making landscapes, characters, and other things.

Here’s a very detailed tutorial on how to use it.

Also, they have a written guide if you prefer reading over videos.