Make a circle… push through to the other side = hole.
Select the whole… ctrl+move to new location. New hole.
For a long time now… this no longer works. It was easily one of the most useful behaviors that SU had.
Am I hallucinating? Maybe I am mis-remembering it.
I’m pretty sure I’m not misremembering… only because I was so blown away by the behavior… I’ve been using sketchup since the 1700’s (around the time of Isaac Newton)… to it’s either a really old feature, or such old memories are just wrong.
But like I said, I recall being amazed… then later after an update… I was shocked/bummed that it stopped doing it.
You know what it could be though… it could be NON THROUGH HOLES. They duplicate perfectly in the manner I describe.
It seems like a very small jump from being able to duplicate partial holes into an object…to duplicating a thru hole.
I wish the developers responded better to user needs I’ve been asking for the hotkeys to be shown in tool tips for the better part of a decade… but nothing. (Mac has it. PC does not)