I need help rendering in shaderlight

Hi All,

I’m having difficulty understanding how to light a room correctly in Shaderlight. I design wine cellars for a living and I’ve started to push for more photo realistic images, hence Shaderlight. I have had some help on here before with this type problem and the advice was amazing, but it seem’s I’m still struggling.

The area in question is under stairs and I have to include quite a few LED strip lights in various areas. I have tried so many things and it still either looks over exposed, too dark in places, hot spots all over the place, think I’m starting to get frustrated… but really don’t want to give up!!

Can anyone help, any advice, help or guidance would be very much appreciated. I just want to get efficient with this and understand how to do things properly.


You might want to ask in Shaderlight’s own forum.

Thanks DaveR, I’ll do that.

Seems like a reasonably active forum. Hopefully they can shed some light on your problem. :smiley: