firstly - I am posting with the complete understanding that cane webbing is best handled by suggestion (i.e. material) and has no place in a model that is trying to keep its geometry under control.
But seeing as to how I’m just skill building at the moment, I have allowed myself to idle, sidetracked on this one portion of this tete a tete.skp (1.4 MB) chair. It’s fascinating me in a stupid way, and now I’m curious… how might other, more experienced (mad scientist style users) go about actually modeling a caned sheet?
Yes, I’m sure there are extensions for this kind of thing, but I am restricted to native tools.
I tried a few different ways, and I am generally happy with the results, but I will admit to slogging through MANY steps and individual lines and complex erasing.
Make a component and tile it. If you need, explode it in the end.
Even if you told you didn’t want to go the texture material route, let me elaborate why that would be the best course of action for realistic modeling: the small variations on this kind of design are a part of what gives it interest. Modeling that will be very hard, while a texture will easily allow for that richness.
Oh I completely agree! The finished model will certainly have texture and not geometry in the cane. I just got sidetracked in trying to figure out how I might do it in an effort to learn the program better.
The flat panels to the right of the chair are my effort at making tiles, which get smaller and smaller as I began to realize that I wasn’t going to need nearly as much real estate to establish a pattern.
Just doing that one little 4 square tile on the bottom right took me over an hour though, and then I wondered… What would someone fluent in SketchUp have done? Of course, I’m skipping over the actual answer, which is “they wouldn’t” and leaping directly into mad-scientist “because I want to know” territory.