I copy/pasted photos onto Layout from my computer. Now they are blurry. Can’t find a way to sharpen each image

Photos are currently in Layout where they are supposed to be, but they are blurry. Was hoping to find a button like the SketchUp Model where you can change graphics from vector to hybrid. However attachment I can make to the photo is a bounding box that does not allow SketchUp Model tray to activate (if thats even the answer). Please help…

In File, Document Setup, is a Rendering section. In there you can set the quality of images when you are editing, or when exporting. You may have images set to Low, try Medium or High.

Change the display quality in document setup… it will help a little.

Change the output quality and export to PDF and report back… in LayOut they are intentionally blurry but export should be fine.

Edit: Colin beat me to it …

Thank you so very much. I was set on med and when I bumped it up to high there was a 100% improvement. God bless your work here.

Keep in mind that setting the Display Resolution to High will increase the load on your graphics card while you are working and things might slow down.

Thank you also for responding with your advice. I hope when I go to making it a pdf I’ll remember to look for a quality segment. Blessings to you also for your time in helping the slow out the door guys like me.

Thanks Dave…I’ll be watching for that!