I can’t export 2d graphics of the selected object on Windows 11
I work on a MacBook. In a Sketchup, I can select an object and export 2d graphics, while all other objects in the model become either slightly darker or lighter than the selected object, depending on the display settings of the selected objects.
But on Windows, the same file, the same settings, when exporting 2d graphics, the rest of the models do not lighten, because of this, when exporting, I cannot focus on the selected object.
MacBook What I saw before clicking export
The result of the export - which I am happy with

Windows What I saw before clicking export
The result of the export - which I am not happy with

This feature on the Mac allows me to focus on certain details when approving products or making changes to the model.
I don’t have this feature on Windows, and I can’t figure out the reason, because a couple of years ago I remember doing the same thing on Windows.
Reinstalling the program does not help
I’ve been using the macOS version for 24 years
I used the Windows version on 23/24/25 of the year.
Help me solve the problem, because it’s much more comfortable for me to model small details on Windows, so I open the MacBook separately and export the graphics from there. It takes longer than we would like.
I hope I have described the problem clearly and people who have encountered this will be able to help me.