my account download su file in 3dwarehouse,return a json file ,other account can download normally。can anyone(staff) i can touch to resolve this tricky problem。
It must be a plugin or program on your pc that is converting the file to .json, the only files that are downloadable from the 3D warehouse are .skp, Collada, GLB and USDZ. You can choose what kind of file you want to download, since you are using SketchUp 2018 you can either download a collada file and import it from SketchUp or download a skp file and open it on SketchUp with Eneroth ´s plugin Open newer version (Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse)
thanks to your reply,not the plugin or pc problem,return a json file and appear fail -banned .change the account,everything return normal .SO it is account problem,never meet situation like can i touch the staff who manage the 3dwarehouse account problem.
That’s a new one for me. Do you get the same effect if you use SketchUp desktop client or a web browser?
problem soloved since your reply,did you do something?thanks anyway,or i guess it happen because i download over 100 model yesterday,so it ban me for 24 hours as punishment or something?laugh…
can’t believe i investigate this problem for whole day ,can return a prompt ,but not a json.a suggust.