I cannot draw my model in a way that will export into something 3d-printable

I am trying to print an object that will hold an Arduino Uno, a breadboard and have some places for a few components. Basically what you see in the drawing below. That said, it will not print.

I have done some experiments and it seems that if I draw an object it works until I try to take any materials away Then it starts folding things in odd ways. At that point it starts “Eschering” my object.

I have seen mention of some tools like solid inspector. I can not find those in the web version (I am a teacher so I am not allowed to install any software without board approval. That makes any software, even free software, a many month project).

What version of SketchUp are you using? Please complete your forum profile. That information helps us know what tools you have available.

From what I can see in your screenshot, you appear to not be using a great workflow. You seem to be adding bits of geometry here and there. For something like this I would model it in much the same was as a 3D printer would deposit the print media when printing it. Start with the bottom face showing only the features that will appear at the build plate. Extrude the model upward until you get to a point where other features start to appear. Keep working that way until you get to the top.

If you work that way there should be no reason to wind up with reversed faces or internal faces as you have in your model.

I am using Sketchup for web beyond that I do not see where there is any version information. For that matter, I do not see any fields for entering that into my profile.

I will give your suggestion a try. I do know that the model I experimented with did work that way. The problem was that once I made a change it became unprintable.

In your forum profile select the license type you have. With the web version it would be either Free Plan or Go. And type in what version you are using. This is from my profile. Instead of 2024 you would type something like “SketchUp Free Web” or “SketchUp Go Web”.

What change did you make?

I just wanted to pop back in and say that, working bottom-up, and not using anything from the “warehouse” I was able to get it to work.

Now that I have them I can see more tinkering that needs to be done. However, the point was to make something that my students can put in the storage shelves instead of leaving the ones they currently have piles on top of filing cabinets.