How to use new Isometric dimensions feature in Layout v19.2?

I was excited to see the addition of the new Isometric dimensions feature added to Layout in the newest release 19.2.
As shown in the GIF in the release announcement , it looks simple enough. In Layout, just invoke the dimension tool and click on an object in isometric view.
The leaders are co-linear with the ends of the wall.
However, after my upgrade to 19.2, I wasn’t able to get this to work. Seems to work the same as Layout 2018.
Is there any trick to invoke the new isometric dimensions feature ?
I’m using a MAC running Mojave 10.14.5


check in LayOut menu >> About that you are using v19…

I had to Start LO v19 from Applications and ‘click’ to bypass a warning that pops up…


Use “Alt”
see video from Justin at min 13:11

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Thanks @mihai.s for the link to Justin’s video.
It now works. Just select the dimension tool and hold alt or Option (mac) to get the isometric dimension to activate.


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