How to upload a model into Google Earth?

plz… plz… i need one help. i prepare one model & make e preview on google earth , after that i can see my model in google earth from my system only, if i open from another system its was not showing. I already share in google earth also… but :pensive: How much time needed for the uploading …

See these posts…

If the other system double clicked on the kmz, and it shows up in the tray on the left, confirm that the 3D Buildings layer is turned on.

tku so much for your valuable replay. tku… tku… tku…

(use the translator) need help please. how can I add a model home in googl earth, so all users see it?

Google Earth no longer accepts files from SketchUp. You can view a file locally, but you can’t post models to Google Earth for others to see.

Agreed, but if you emailed your kmz to all users and they double clicked on it, it would open in Google Earth and they’d see it. :slightly_smiling:

I think we need to be clear on this: if you want to share with anyone who has Google Earth, you give them a .kmz file, just like you’d give them a .skp file. They double click on it and it loads in their Google Earth.

The part you’re talking about is this: where Google had 3D buildings that would be streamed to everyone, and that was eliminated in 2013.

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