Hi folks. I was wondering if there is a trick or a existing plugin who could put a selected amount of entities to elevation 0 (or a set elevation). This feature would be useful to me when I create structural alpha-numeric grid. I tried the plugin FLATTEN but it redraw lines on the ground but doesn’t move the group/components.
I know I can enter data like [0,0,0] when I move something, but can I affect only the z this way? Something like [$,$,0] ???
If not, perhaps a plugin could do it. I would expect this kinda behavior:
1-You select something (all kind of things),
2-Click on the plugin SET Z,
3-Enter the elevation you need (in my case 0), then acadabra. everything goes flat as a pancake!
I made a plugin recently that projects selected edges to the Z=0 plane. However it doesn’t work on groups/components. You’d need to enter the groups/components, select their content, and then project. Or use move tool.
There is a few plugin outhere who works with Edges. Eneroth-Flatten-plane, TT Flatten or Sam D Mitch Move2Elev… but no one does what I have in mind. I just want to be able to move anything to a specific Z. This is such a simple think to do if SketchUp would give us control of the X,Y, Z of everythings, just like most Cad software. In Autocad per example, I would accomplish this by selecting multiple then typing: CHANGE/Properties/Elev/0 enter When things was getting too serious (involving 3D polylines), I was using a LISP called CHZ20.vlx who was basically puting every single thing in the drawing on z:0 So basically, what I’m looking for is a CHZ20 for SketchUp!
Until then, I have to create a surface on ground zero, then move on blue axis everything one by one to snap the surface. There MUST be a way to do this in one click! no.
To move a clicked point to z=0, enter [,,0] (or [;;0] if your locale uses “,” as decimal point). It’s the same logic as typing 3, or ,3 when you are creating a rectangle and want to accept the mouse position for one dimension but force the other one to an exact value.
Thanks Dan & Eneroth, I got what I need in two clicks (2 plugins). I use Eneroth Flatten plugin than Dan ruby scrip, then everything goes like pancake! Thank you.
Of course Julia, if you have in mind to do a new version of your Flatten plugin, feel free to include Dan’s script. If you do, keep us informed on this thread. CHEERS
I have quite a lot of projects going on right now and don’t know if I’ll have time to revisit the flatten plugin anytime soon.
I think such an option is redundant. The inconvenience of having to scan and skip the inputbox in the majority of uses outweighs the benefits of having this built in, rather than performing a subsequent operation with move tool.