Let’s say I need to make an outline of a foundation wall going around the perimeter of a floorplan:
I make a component, call it “WALL - FOUNDATION”, and proceed to create the outline.
(Using a component, not groups, because (1) it’s faster and (2) when I need to change the color/texture, they will all change at once).
Problem is, when the components are scaled to fit the needed dimensions, the texture scales as well:
The only 2 ways to reset it, as far as I know, are:
1.) Explode each one and re-create as a component/group (wrecks my neat Outliner setup).
2.) Double-click into each object, click into each face, right-click, and reset the texture one FACE at a time. Godawfully time-consuming.
3.) Isolate the problematic components, use Material Tools to remove all materials from them, and re-apply new textures. Aaand that doesn’t work, because the textures scale into the wrong dimensions again.
TIG’s Descaler isn’t a solution, because it resets the transformation of the object, not the texture.
Is there a method or a plugin that can mass-reset the texture?
Or is there a way to prevent textures from scaling in the first place? I.e. if I know that I’m going to have to resize multiple items, can I somehow “lock” the texture scale before?