How to purge unused components

I am trying to delete unused components it does keep showing up when I Generate a report. I am getting a count for components that no longer have an instance in my model.

Also the purge unused option in the Component window is grayed out.

Please help. Thanks

What operating system are you using? What graphics card? What version of SketchUp? “2024” does not identify an operating system. “iOS” is not a graphics card. It is the operating system for iPad. We can help you out with purging unused components but first you need to give us useful information so we can give you the correct answer.

That would iply that there aren’t any unused components in the model. More likey you’ve hidden them or they have tags that are not visible.

Operating system: macOS Monterey 12.6.5
Sketchup version: 24.0.483

That would iply that there aren’t any unused components in the model. More likey you’ve hidden them or they have tags that are not visible.

It is true the components are not being used. But they are still showing up when I generate a report with quantities. I have tried unhiding at various levels, but nothing there. Or at least I have not found it yet. Also tags are clear, not sure what else can be done there.

Please correct your forum profile.

Share the .skp file so we can help you sort it out.

Download link: MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020) - Technical Specifications - Apple Support (CA)

Download link: Transfer - Dropbox

Download link: https : // www dropbox com / t / fngC8egoKyNK0Jla

Please remove the spaces

I finally got it to open. What components do you think should be unused?

4" Y Tee

For example

It’s probably buried in a nested object. Right click on the thumbnail in the Components panel and click on Delete. That’ll get rid of it.

Managed to delete the 4" Y Tee
But not the simlab_2021…

Hmmm… Right clicking on the thumbnail for me brings up the Delete option and clicking on that gives this.


FWIW, that simlab component is being used in the model. As I wrote, it’s buried in a nested component. Several levels down.
Screenshot - 5_3_2024 , 1_40_05 PM

That 4" Y Tee is being used in the model, too. That explains why it wouldn’t get purged.
Screenshot - 5_3_2024 , 1_53_43 PM

Got it thank you !! How do I pull up the nesting window like you have ?

That’s Outliner. To show the levels of nesting click on the little triangles.

FWIW, you really do have an excessive amount of neesting for many objects. There’s no need to have one group or component by itself in a nested object.

Ok will keep that in mind.