How to make geometries back into same component to bulk Push Pull?

There’s one thing I just can’t figure out.

Let’s say I’ve made a geometry, copied it. Done some grouping and componenting etc…

How can I select multiple geometries and be able to edit them all at once again?
I know how to do it from scratch… Create geometry, make component, copy, and then push pull.

But after I’ve tampered with the copies individually, I can’t seem to get them back into a component so I can edit them all in one go…

Show us with a skp what you’ve got, then someone might be able to help.

plantingbox.skp (103.6 KB)

I want to extend the legs all in one go. How?

Beine und Lange.skp (43.8 KB)
I used “Go’s” inspector and found that your components were nested groups. I cut all but one group out and made components. But each component has no other nested group in it. One component is Bein and one is Lang. Then, I moved/copied the other copies in place on one side and flipped/copied them to the other. All of it is now solid groups and components. I prefer to work only in components, especially when I want all to change or be copied simultaneously. You don’t need to save two groups that have the same geometry into one component. That creates a nested group that is not solid. Just make one a component and it is easy then to move/copy or flip/copy.

Your entire plantingbox could be consisting of just 4 components (some with copies and mirrored copies, some scaled), that is all. So only four different component definitions for the entire model:

  • leg plank (and mirrored leg plank (two grouped into one leg) → (these grouped and also mirrored for the other legs.
  • plank (and mirrored plank) → long and scaled to short. (grouped into side and mirrored).
  • upper ridge long (and one mirrored)
  • upper ridge short (and one mirrored)

In your shared model you have a mix of groups and components, some even nested. Not consistent at all.


I have a lot to learn about this.

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You’ll get it if you keep practicing and look at the free SketchUp videos and the Square One series on You Tube. Those videos save a lot of trial and error time.

I have the whole Square One series bookmarked.

But, I’m kinda slow, tried reading your earlier post with the file you sent back over and over again…

Is it not possible to make components which would be affected all in one go, if one already has made unique/made groups etc of them? No point of return?

There’s some chamfers in there, so I’d need more components I guess… but I get the point. I’ve just been building, copying, making groups etc as I go, because It’s not perfectly planned out in my head.

Use Move/Copy to replace the unwanted components with the one you modified. Or drag in new instances of the component from the Components panel.

Don’t explode components to work on them and don’t make them unique unless they really are.

Why are you making groups for objects that should be components? Why are you modeling so far from the origin?

Not really. I’ve looked at the details and it can still be done with four (normal and mirrored and scaled) component definitions.
But there are more than one ways to correctly model the plant box with proper components.
Don’t forget to name them.

Sorry, I was gone for a while, but Dave and Wo3Dan may have answered your question. Once you make a component like “Bein”, you can edit it, and all other copies of it will have the change made too. That’s the power of components.

I reworked your model using components. Your choice to use groups in your model is causing the bulk of your problems. Your version with all the parts as groups is in the background.

plantingbox components.skp (142.7 KB)

Although there’s no option to create a cutlist like the following in the web versions of SketchUp, I think it’s interesting to compare the cutlist your model generates compared to the one generated from the model using components.

Yours. The descriptions are essentially useless.

The model as compnonents. There’s a line for each of the different component definitions with quantities for each and it’s easy to tell what parts are which.
Screenshot - 3_31_2024 , 12_04_54 PM

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I honestly don’t know why I just starting using groups instead of components, probably because I forgot making components unique and messed up other geometries when editing the new component, and I made groups because I felt it was easier using solids than loose geometries…
I thought I could select different geometries/groups later on and make them into a component and then bulk edit them.

You can convert a group into a component but as I wrote before, you would then have to replace the other groups with that component. You wind up making a lot more work for yourself if you do it that way.

Gotcha. Thanks so much to all for the help. It gave me a better understanding of this.

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