I make a box A and group it. Now I make a rectangular box B and group that.
Now I want to move A so that it is connected to B.
As it is, I select B, use the move tool, and manually get it close zooming in and tweaking in, then I use plugin tools that they still aren’t connected.
So, I move in until it says “on Face”. Is that the best way? Is there a way to positively to know that your parts are connected yet still keeping them separate for individual editing?
( I am working toward models with less errors, so I appreciate your help.)
Learn to use the Move tool.If you want to get one corner on A connected to a corner on B, grab that corner on A and move it to the appropriate corner on B. It’s very simple. Use the inferencing that’s available.
In this case, I’d use components instead of groups, and set the “glue to” property.
For example, window components are usually set to glue to vertical faces (walls.)
All that said, you can move groups to share coordinates of vertices so that there faces meet, by understanding how to leverage the inference engine, and use the SHIFT key to lock inferences.
There’s really no such thing as “connecting” two groups. Indeed, by grouping A and B separately, you are specifically ensuring that they don’t connect or interact in any way. That’s mainly what grouping is for, namely, to isolate the contents of the group and prevent interactions with other objects.
Now, as far as building up more complex or higher-order shapes from simpler shapes, there are two ways to go about it: one at the raw geometry (edges and faces) level and another at the group or component level.
To combine two shapes made of raw geometry, simply place them in contact. They will stick together, for such is the basic behavior of raw geometry in SU. Now, if the two shapes are fit together without gaps or overlaps, they will essentially merge to form a single object. You can then erase or delete any edges between coplanar faces, causing the faces to merge, resulting in an integral, single face. Use this method to create a single monolithic object from two or more objects, like a piece part of an assembly.
To “combine” two or more groups, just put them together however you wish. They won’t be going anywhere unless you decide to move them. At some point, you may wish to combine the two groups into a higher order group. You would do this by simply grouping the two (or ten) groups. You may progressively build up ever higher-order groups simply by nesting them. A top assembly group may contain any number of subassemblies, and each subassembly may in turn contain lower-order subassemblies until you reach the level of raw geometry at the bottom of the hierarchy.
You control the way objects fit together using inferencing, SU’s system of snaps and dynamic guides. Using inferencing, you may snap any point (e.g., endpoint, midpoint) to any other, resulting in a perfect line-on-line join. Until you learn to use and control inferencing, you won’t be able to construct precision models very well. Once you have mastered inferencing, you’ll be able to soar with the eagles.