I am pretty new to sketchup and am using it to drawing a tiny house my wife and I are building. I am at the point where I need to cut out the framed rough openings in the plywood sheathing. The plywood is flush with the outside of the framing.
I have tried drawing a cube the shape of the rough opening and using the trim tool to subtract it from the sheathing. This method only works for the first cutout, and then I get an error that the sheathing is no longer a solid.
I am also trying to select the shape of the rough opening and push the near face of the plywood flush with the far face to essentially delete my selection. This method works fine as long as I am drawing lines on the face of the sheathing as per the screenshot below.
But if I try using the inferences of the rough opening geometry, it attaches my lines to the framing. Also show in the screenshot below.
I think if you just change your work flow so you are actually drawing the rectangles for the openings on the surface of the sheathing, you’ll find Push/Pull will be the easiest. And once you push the first opening, you can double click on the rest to get the other openings.
How do I draw a rectangle of the exact size and position of the framed opening on the face of the sheathing? If I use the rectangle tool to select that inside framing corner with the inference “Endpoint Outside Active”, it draws the rectangle on the framing and not on the face of the sheathing.
View the sheathing through the framing. Double-click on the sheathing to open the component for editing. Then draw your rectangle and the “outside active” will be the framing, not the sheathing.
You’ve now drawn the rectangle on the sheathing. While it is still open for editing, do your push/pull.
Thanks for all your suggestion guys. DaveR was kind enough to do a live demo for me and found the problem. I had a few framing members that were not perfectly aligned with the exterior face of the framing. A newbie mistake on my part. Thanks Dave!