How to align objects in 2D in sketchup go

I know this has been asked before but I can’t find a straight answer - is there a way to align objects in go on a 2D floorplan?

Yes. It depends on exactly what you are moving and how you are trying to align it. Usually you’ll want to grab the object but the the point you want to align to the other object. Then either move the cursor to the point on the other object or move it on axis (lock the axis with the appropriate arrow key) and place the cursor on the other point. If you were to share your model file and tell us exactly what you are trying to align to what, it would be easier to give you guidance.

Look at the Square One videos on the SketchUp YouTube channel. There are videos regarding the use of the Move tool.

[Thread moved to the SketchUp Go category]

Tapping left arrow key to lock movement in the green direction.

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Periodic user over many years but new to this forum.
I’m designing a crib with quite a few slats and am wondering about the alignment tool. In the Online (free) version, it’s not available. Is it available with Go, or do I need to upgrade to Pro? If Pro, I’m willing to pay extra to save the aggravation of manually aligning many objects through a lot of dragging like shown above.

What alignment tool? There isn’t a discrete alignment tool in any version of SKetchUp. You can use the Move tool tapping a cursor key or using Shift to move on axis and align one point with another as shown in the previous post. That works in the free hobby version exactly as it does in SketchUp Go or SketchUp Pro…

If you want help with aligning things in your model, share the .skp file with us. First download it to your computer and then drag and drop the model file into a reply.

Sounds more like you need to understand about using arrays.
GIF 15-12-2024 10-18-34 AM


In a YT video I recall seeing the instructor select some objects and then click on an Align button. It appeared to be Pro and why I asked about Go and Online. If no such button exists, obviously I misunderstood what he was showing. I’ll spend more time with this and see what I can learn before following up.

Perhaps so. I’ll look into that assuming it’s available in Online (free). Thanks.

This would have been through the use of an extension/plugin, Free and Go have no access to extensions. Extensions can only be added to the desktop versions.