Happy Holiday season to all.
Several years back I made this elaborate staircase in a spiral around a pentagon.
Then I must admit as I was told later (because I haven’t addressed the issue)
that I should work as much as possible with “outliner.”
Now I am in a pickle: then I didn’t think of making my 1st segment a component
only a group then I multiplied it one by one till I had one flight of stairs
that again I copy pasted and swiveled it along the needed angle.
In my mind then, it couldn’t be a component as it was going to be multiplied in other angles.
I know now I was wrong.
Now I would like to change some colour detailing, to turn them into light emitters for UE rendering
to the very intricate like eagle wing tip inspired shape (the bending extension feathers).
But I feel at a loss on how to turn the first one into a component
and then the other groups of steps to follow the changes I would make in the first.
I just don’t want to make a mess of it now at this late stage.
If impossible, I rather hand colour one by one, which would take a day or two so I rather not.
Thank you very much