How I can turn off axes and guide lines in SketchUp for School now?

There used be check boxes in DISPLAY-menu few weeks ago.
But now I don´t find them any more. Has there been an update? Or have I messed something in my SketchUp for School?


hello, have you checked in styles > edit > model settings ?

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No, but thanks.

I made copy of that basic style and renamed it “WITHOUT LINES”
That is good workaround in this situation. :grinning: :+1:

Yours Jukka

Thanks, this is helpful. It seems like a horrible ‘update’ though, the styles menu was already jamb packed now it’s just ridiculously full while the display menu has virtually nothing in it now! Is there a way to change it back?

not as a user ! only the development team can (by the way if they read this “le grand nord” is a terrible french translation)

Many thanks for the feedback, folks :pray:

Thanks for calling this out, @paul.millet. What would be a better translation?

“Nord géographique” or just “nord”

Merci beaucoup :smiling_face:

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We decided to go with “Nord géographique.” Thanks again for the suggestion, @paul.millet. If you reload SketchUp for Web, you should see the corrected translation.

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