I can’t adjust the texture to where I need it because it keeps over or under snapping, skipping over the specific location I need.
Is “Length Snapping” enabled ?
Model Info > Units > Enable Length Snapping
Yes. Though turning it off doesn’t seem to fix the problem:
Hold the control (cmd) key while adjusting the texture…no snapping.
That doesn’t work for me on a mac for some reason. However, the alt/option button removed the snapping, but it removed both the plane snapping and the historical point snap. Is there a way to remove just the historical point snap, but keep the plane snap?
I think its “all or nothing”? what are you trying to do, maybe there’s another way.
when the texture edit is enabled I get list of options show up at the bottom of screen, maybe mac has alternative options ( including alt instead of ctrl).
oh look at that it does say stuff at the bottom of the window
Good call. Yeah, I think it’s an all or nothing situation too. I did find that I can move the location of the pin (by deselecting fixed pins) and it seems to erase the place marker snap too option.