How do I open files saved in SketchUp Free in SketchUpPro2021?

How do I open files saved in SketchUp Free in SketchUpPro2021?

Hi. I’m new to all this. I guess I meant to say "How do I open files saved to the cloud in SketchUp Free in SketchUpPro2021? I then want to save that same file in SketchUpPro both to the cloud and to my PC.


Download them to your computer so you can open them or open them from File>Trimble Connect. Then when you save them make sure you are saving locally.

Thanks Dave. Trouble is I can’t now open SketchUp Free - it seems to have disappeared - and nor can I see these files in Trimble Connect.

Almost every time that sort of thing is reported it’s because the user is using a different e-mail address. Make sure you are using the same e-mail address you used when you created the files.

OK. I just bought SketchUpPro today, so let me play around here a bit before wasting more of your time, then I’ll get back if I can’t find the solution. Thanks in the meantime. Pete

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