How do I create a rectangle with a specific size in go?

I am new to sketchup and paid for the online go version. I am very familiar with other cad programs such as smartdraw so I’m not a novice, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to draw a rectangle a specific size. I need to layout a floorplan for a trade show and have to put multiple specific booth sizes into the drawing. Everything I have found online doesn’t work with go. Do I need a specific extension to make it work or is there a way without adding anything else. Everything I have tried is cumbersome and not intuitive.

Click the Rectangle tool. Click and release the left mouse button to place the first corner of the rectangle. Move your cursor in the direction of the opposite corner then type the size you want in the format ##,## (I.e. 20’,30’) then press Enter.

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A piece of advice: Don’t try to use SketchUp like SmartDraw or other CAD programs.

What exactly did you find that doesn’t work with Go? Drawing a rectangle to a specific size in SketchUp is exactly the same in every single version since it was released more than 20 years ago. That includes SketchUp Go.

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Go to the campus: SketchUp Web Fundamentals
Also SketchUp has a very good Youtube channel, look for the “square one” series.

Do not click in the Dimension Window.

As Aaron wrote:

1 - Select the Rectangle tool;

2 - Click the left mouse button (LMB) to place one corner of the rectangle. A click is a press and a release of the LMB.

3 - Move the mouse in the rough direction of the opposite corner. You shall see a rectangle forming as you move the mouse.

4 - Let go of the mouse. Do not click anything nor anywhere.

5 - Type the required dimension like, for example, 1000,1000 or 1000;1000 depending on you regional setting for the decimal separator.

6 - Press the Enter key to validate your input.

If you are not satisfied, repeat steps 5 and 6 until you are satisfied.

The dimension will use the default unit of your model. You can add a suffix to the inputed number to override that, for example, 300" or 250’ or 1200mm or 900cm or 50m.

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