How can I transform a 2d image into a 3d model?

since I’m using mac I click on os, 24bits

Try turning off any anti-aliasing …

Also try saving it as a Windows BMP and not an OS/2 BMP.

You can simply rename the file to a zip extension, i.e., test.bmp > … don’t actually zip it, just rename it … when it’s downloaded, change the extension back to .bmp.

still not working turning off the anti aliasing and changing it to Windows BMP (6.6 MB)

The left-hand side had no border … I added a red border (easier to see than white). Try this image (not sure why the file size is different): (5.0 MB)

I think the problem is when I save the file in illustrator as a .bmp… for some reason sketchup doesn’t recognize my .bmp files. I’ve tried with other files and it works. The one you sent, opened perfectly

could you check this one please (7.2 MB)

Your file is not exactly black on white:


I changed the properties to B&W and back to RGB and then saved it as a 24-bit color bmp: (5.4 MB)

When importing it, I selected the image option and got this result:

According to the console output:

Depix removed 2 pixels total (2019-07-24 06:49:25 -0700)
197 Loops Completed (2019-07-24 06:51:13 -0700)

I haven’t been able to resolve the problem. I don’t have windows paint, I work with os and the program I use is illustrator. I’ve tried every suggestion you’ve told me, with no luck. I can only open the files you send me. Can you try make a .bmp texture with illustrator please.

I use inkscape to convert an image into dxf and convert into svg…

If you use Illustrator, just trace the art and export a DWG file. That you can import and extrude in just a few seconds in SketchUp. You don’t have to mess with importing bitmaps with an extension to do what you need.

I’m sorry you’re having problems … I don’t have a Mac or Illustrator so I can’t help in that regard. You can also use Gimp: open file, change image to grayscale, set b&w threshold, change image to RGB, and export as a Windows BMP. This works with the BMP plugin.

There are other options (as @monospaced or @kenancakir have noted). However, if you don’t have Pro, I don’t believe either of these alternatives is an option without an additional plugin.

If you’re dissatisfied with the plugin, please return it and I will cheerfully refund your purchase price :wink:


It’s not really a Mac or Illustrator thing. The whole workaround using bitmaps and a plugin with Pro seems a bit complicated.

I was able to take your original Illustrator PDF, export a DWG, import it into SketchUp Pro and extrude parts with ease. There are a lot of pieces, but the process works perfectly without any extensions or plugins.

There is a free plugin for converting png images with transparency into mesh…

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This is wonderful and saved me a ton of time and frustration! Thank you so much for the effort to create this.

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good to know - thanks. B

hi, i can’t download the bmp tracer extension with the link in video desciption, how can i download it other way. thank you.

Google is moving legacy sites to a new framework using Google Drive. This has corrupted my links ;(

Try this one: spirix_bmp_tracer.rbz - Google Drive

Sorry about that …

thanks so much.

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Hi i need help too, I’m using Sketchup Make 2017 i installed the plugin BMP Tracer but when i load the photo nothing happens, the console says Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `unpack’ for nil:NilClass>
This is the (19.0 KB)