If you have Photoshop there is a chance you have Illustrator, and you can get a good SketchUp model with a few steps:
Open the PSD in Illustrator, choose the option to flatten the image.
Select the flattened image, and choose Object, Image Trace, Make and Expand.
Choose File, Export, Export as… and export a DXF or DWG. The default settings seem to do ok.
Import that into SketchUp.
There are some difficulties, if you are only using the Free web version, and even the free desktop Make version, as they don’t support DXF or DWG. I did try an online converter, but that didn’t go so well.
Anyway, for this particular image you need not matter, I already did those steps, and also filled in all the the needed faces. The size is not likely to be correct, but you can scale it to the size you need. You can open the web SketchUp model you are working on, and drag this SKP onto the browser window, to insert it as a component in your scene.
contabilidade_simbolo.skp (514.5 KB)