How can I delete lines from cylinders without deleting the geometry?

I’m creating 3 barrels with one on top in between all of them. When I try to remove the lines I don’t need it leaves gaps in the cylinders.

You can smooth the edges by using the eraser (e) and holding down Ctrl (windows) or command (mac)

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Thank you so much!

No problem. You can also turn off hidden geometry to get rid of the dotted lines.

Yeah, I know. :slight_smile: While you’re here how do I add one of those little silhouettes back?

Use your eraser tool along with the control key. This will render the internal lines as invisible. If you are using a Mac computer, I think you will use option plus the eraser tool to achieve the desired effect.

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What silhouettes?

When you open a new project there is a man standing there. I’d like him back for comparison with the rest of the map.

If he has already been deleted and you cannot undo, I would just open a new file and copy and paste him into your drawing. Additionally you can download other scale figures on the 3D Warehouse.

File > 3D Warehouse > Get Models…

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Another solution I have found is to right-click on the line and choose “Soften” from the dropdown.

If you deleted him from the model space and nothing more, you can get him back by going to the Components window and choosing In Model (click the house icon.) He’ll be in there. Select him and drag him out into the model space. No need to open another copy of SketchUp.

That’s one of the benefits of using components. Deleting them from the model space isn’t enough to make them gone forever.

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