How can I add textures to a matched photo?

we can talk later. I have no idea how to use vray and it’s getting to be overkill. G

After projecting photo on a rectangle surface, i add a new layer as i described above, then colors can be seen.

I didn’t fully understand your previous post, but I think I do now. I’ll try it in a while and post my results. I didn’t understand fov meant field of view for instance. It looks like an easy fix.

I would think Trimble would provide an option that allows you to apply textures to a matched photo. Many times on selling a remodel job, a whole model is not needed, just a simple way to anoint a photo with a design element to show the prospective customer.


FOV means field of view, yes…

I accidentally found something interesting, if you decrease the opasity of paint colors you can see them on photo match scene… :slight_smile:

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You Sir, should get a prize - that’s fantastic - the answer to my problems. :+1:

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You can. Just uncheck this box.

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Looks good. You might also hide the edges. Then playing with color and opacity see if you can blend with the photo sufficiently.

In fact, Colin from sketchup team gave the correct solution at the beginning but i thought he was explaining how to decrease foreground picture opacity, “uncheck” was the key word, for me not reading all answers was a mistake…

Thanks for the credit, but what you added was that if the paint color has some transparency of its own, it would tint the background photograph, which might have been the effect he wanted. But, leaving foreground turned on, and setting its opacity to a low number, would have achieved the same thing.

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I tried unchecking previously without success - but decreasing the opacity worked perfectly. Maybe it is a bug in 2018 pro sketchup - the version I have. Who knows? I see how you bricked in my house - presumably to keep me from spreading covid 19, so it worked for you, but, alas, not on my computer. G

Odd, I had the opposite experience in 2019: sliding the slider to zero didn’t do the trick, but unchecking the box did.