HIDE tool on ipad

Where is the command of HIDE? I’ve used sketchup for the past 15 years and HIDE is one of the must used commands in a lot of people workflow. I just bought an iPad license yesterday and for my surprise i cannot even find where the tool its located and no tutorial makes any reference to that. Does anybody have an answer for this? Also if I can remap any shortcut to hide.

There are several ways, and it depends on what you’re hiding and how much you use it as to how you would set your workspace up.

If you just want to hide a group/etc, then you select the item and use the three dots at the bottom for the typical “right click” options, one of which is hide (circle at the bottom).

There’s the display pop-out tab which has hide and unhide and such, (circle on the right)

You can put a “hide rest of model” it in your personal Toolbar (the top circle) for hiding everything else while working in a group or component.

I can answer more specifically if none of these are what you’re looking for. Just let me know.


Thank you for your response Danimaupin,

What I meant and maybe I didn’t explain myself correctly is that i cannot find what’s the shortcut, because for me 2clicks to arrive into the tool I need, in this case HIDE, is to much on an interface that’s supposed to be user friendly. For example i come from sketchup for windows and in that interface I only press “H” and that’s it.

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I see. And I totally understand. So I assume that you’re just wanting to hide an individual item?

If you want to use your iPad SketchUp more like the desktop, then you should know that if you have a bluetooth keyboard, then the shortcuts will work much the same. Same for a mouse.

The other option would be to leave the display pop-out menu open and have easy access to the button in the menu.

If you want to “hide rest of model” or “hide similar components” then that would be where the personal toolbar at the top comes in. You can personalize that with six(?) button options that you use more than most and both of those are in there. I don’t see a button to simply “hide” and that’s probably something that should be brought up as a feature request.


Yes, actually I do use the iPad apple keyboard and a Logitech Mx master mouse, i wanted to migrate from the desktop to a more on the go setup because of construction visits, however its a way different interface with a lot of limitations right now. Do you know how to generate a feature request? Thanks!

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They read these posts. You basically already have.

I actually love the iPad specifically because it allows me to not be tethered to a desk. But I also came into it from scratch and not from desktop so i think that helps a lot.

Thank you for your help. And yes i think is way better to start from scratch in this ocation because you are getting used to portable setup that i think it has more benefits over a desktop setup

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