Help with hollow cone shaped structure

Hi guys I only started using Sketch up last night and got a little stuckstarcone.skp (96.2 KB)
My problem is my structure is printing out as a complete solid even though its hollow internally and solid inspector 2 says its all shiny.
i have made sure my walls are not reversed and made my cone using push pull on a circle then scaling the top to a cone shape.
also if i cut out the star area to make it hollow then i get all sorts of problems with the inspector.
any help would be very much appreciated. Merry Christmas James.

The problem you have is your cone wall has no thickness.
I’d do a demo but not at my computer. Solid inspector doesn’t always see problems. Make the cone a group or component and see if it says solid in Entity info.

As @Box says, the walls of the cone must have thickness.

The easiest way to create the form is with the Follow Me tool.

See this revised copy of your model and the video below.
starcone_Rework.skp (125.6 KB)

thanks guys !
great work and awesome forum i will give try this out.