Greetings All,
I am really struggling with the concept of bezier curves and the fredospline plugin. No matter how many videos I watch or attempts to make something, I just dont seem to be “getting it”.
I have attached an image of my rough attempt to make a somewhat “s-curve” to replace the existing curve that I made with the 2point arc tool.
I am trying to make the line selected be a nice, uniform s curve that sweeps into the straight line of the rectangle shape that it terminates into, in a pleasing to the eye fashion. Not sure how to explain it better.
I have attached a photo of what it is going to end up being so maybe that will help.
Headed to the CNC shop to cut out the formwork but I am not satisfied with the current disjointed nature of my design due to my inability to make it like I want.
Hopefully this makes sense. I know it is an easy thing to do, I just cant figure it out.
Please and thank you for your help.
help with bezier.skp (200.4 KB)