Help?! Why does my product from 3D Warehouse import showing all white and no face

Can someone help, when i import these particular products from 3D Warehouse they show up all white and don’t show the product detail… the product in the screenshot is black - it shows the text on the product but nothing else…

Can you share the link to the warehouse object?

Here you go :slight_smile: Trimble Identity

The actual one from the screenshot is - Trimble Identity

these are products all by the same company on 3D Warehouse, it’s products we actually use when constructing the projects

The products should be loaded with no textures. They don’t have materials applied.

In fact the 3D Warehouse indicate it

Do you really need that object with so many polygons? I would try to simplify it before inserting it into my model to work more efficiently and quickly. If you analyze it, many of the lines don’t make any sense.

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okay what do you recommend do i have to apply a material to it?

Yes, I converted to a component, and reduced poligons with skimp. After that I edited the grup and painted part of it with yellow and the hole component with a dark grey.
The file was reduced from 2,5MB to 1MB.
Here is it
castor 4 178s_v2.skp (979.8 KB)

thank you, thats great!

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You are welcome.
Notice the diference between drawing by you and using that object
66644 entities

172 entities

perfect, just finding it more difficult with the post light - a lot more polygons on that one & multiple faces that need changing, finding it difficult. with the kind of work I do these details are really important to the end client… that is how the product should look

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