Have a component in my model that I can no longer select

This is a model I have be working on for a model railway boxvan. It is made up of a number of components.

The problem I have is that there one component I can not longer select - the half roof in the centre of the model. It is still listed in the components menu, and I can add further examples to the model, but I can not select those either.
I do not believe this is because the component is locked, and even if it was I would need to select it to be able to unlock it.

Does anyone have any ideas what happened, and how I could get back access to this.

Hon30@Car@Boxcar@test.skp (182.7 KB)

I did fill out the form when I signed up - but that was some time ago

I am using the web version of Sketchup (so am assuming I am getting the latest version) running on Windows 10.

You have fallen victim to a “stray bounding box” bug that we have been seeing fairly often lately. It is not yet known (at least to me) what triggers this bug, but when it happens a group or component becomes very difficult to select and tends to vanish from the view when you orbit or pan in certain directions. In you model, the three instances of “Half roof for partial height” suffer from this bug.

To fix it, select any of the instances in the Outliner, open it for edit using the Outliner menu, and then click anywhere on the view to close the edit. That will repair the bounds and make things work ok again.

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slbaumgartner thank you for that. Worked perfectly and I can now acess all components. Problen solved.