Ground Plane Position

I did try a search, but found no answer. How is the ground plane position determined?

I modeled an existing house from a photo match, so maybe the ground plane was determined by that origin, which was at the bottom of the siding of my match photo.

Now I have a ground plane at the bottom of the siding, I tried moving the axis of all my scenes but the ground plane remains where is was.

The ground plane is a fixed thing in space located at z=0.

Actually, during your setup of the image when you place the origin, you are really moving the image such that the selected point in the image is on the ground plane.

Moving the axes doesn’t change where the ground plane is in the model space. It also doesn’t change where the origin (0,0,0) is. It just changes where the axes are displayed.

To fix your problem you can edit the Match Photo settings and move the origin (really move the image) to where you want. After doing that, select the model and move it to suit.

I tried moving the match photo origin, then I deleted those 2 match scenes which didn’t work…so I have no match photo to move anymore.

Did you save those changes? If not you could revert to the saved version. Without the images you should just be able to select the model and move it vertically so the desired point is on the ground plane. Identify the point that is supposed to be on the ground plane and grab the selected model by it with the Move tool. Start moving it vertically, let go of the mouse and type [,0 and press Enter. That’s opening square bracket comma comma zero and press Enter. The closing square bracket will be added automatically.

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Thank you Dave for your time, you saved me again!

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