Glass not transparent


My glass is not rendering transparent. I read a few posts on this forum but nothing works for me. Can someone please help. I am attaching few screenshot of how the model, render and material settings. Thanks in advance.


Is there a simple model that shows the problem that you could add in your reply? Use this button to upload a skp (needs to be below 3MB):


Are you using the default glass material in the VRAY materials library? If not, try deleting your glass material and apply that default material and see if that works. Let us know either way as others may be looking for a solution.

I would replace what you have with a v-ray glass material. Looking at the material you have setup doesnt look like glass? ordinarily it would not have a diffuse property.

Your reflection and refraction color must be closer to white. Basically you control the reflectivity/refractivity of the surface by that slider. Take a look at this document: Glass | VRayBRDF