So must be a Tuesday… I cannot import a template to the generate report window in 2024… Anybody else?
EDIT: Template file text, can’t post the file.
{"id":"kuq40rxsf6p8","title":"Component Quantities Report","utcCreationDate":{"date":"2021-01-23T01:23:48.465Z"},"author":"SketchUp","description":"This is a sample template that illustrates a new reporting capability that allows you to group components by definition. This reporting template will output a report that includes a column for quantities. You can run this reporting template by clicking the run button below. You can modify this reporting template to include other types of attribute data by clicking the edit button below. You also have the option to duplicate this report and edit the duplicated reporting template.","groupedAttributes":["dyc:AA_CATEGORY","dyc:AA_LIST_NAME"],"attributes":["dyc:AA_QUANTITY","dyc:AA_UNITS","dyc:AA_SPEC"],"useCurrentSelection":true,"depths":null,"copyNumber":0,"unitFormat":"decimal - inches","unitPrecision":"inch","version":"1.0","options":{"injectedForCompCount":true,"attributeDisplay":{"dyc:AA_QUANTITY":{"displayName":"AA_QUANTITY","aggregationType":"sum"}}}}
On further investigation I realise that the import just fails, it does not bring in the template at all. Tried making a brand new template and saving it, but it still will not import to a new file.
I just exported a grt and the format looks a little different that what you are showing:
{"numberOfUntitledTemplates":0,"id":"683cd5c7ed42","title":"Component Quantities Report","utcCreationDate":"2025-02-04T23:25:00.315Z","author":"SketchUp","description":"This is a sample template that illustrates a new reporting capability that allows you to group components by definition. This reporting template will output a report that includes a column for quantities. You can run this reporting template by clicking the run button below. You can modify this reporting template to include other types of attribute data by clicking the edit button below. You also have the option to duplicate this report and edit the duplicated reporting template.","groupedAttributes":["Definition Name"],"attributes":["Quantity"],"useCurrentSelection":false,"depths":null,"copyNumber":0,"unitFormat":"architectural","unitPrecision":"sixteenth","version":"1.0","options":{"injectedForCompCount":true}}
So it would appear that my template file was corrupted somehow? Loaded an old .skp file with the template already saved to the model, re exported the .grt and it’s fine now. Gremlins I suspect…
Also yeah they are different eh? My .grt file is missing this at the beginning: “numberOfUntitledTemplates”:0,
Could be? I don’t have any saved templates, so “numberOfUntitledTemplates”:0, makes sense… and does look like a missing field compared to your example.
Do you have an extension that is modifying dynamic components attribute dictionaries? Maybe something is being truncated/incorrectly formatted? Gremlins in the DC code?
So, a little mishap somewhere could cause gremlin instability with the mogwai within the DC extension black box. Or at least that’s a conclusion I can live with.