hello i am new to sketchup, i am trying to learn how to design houses, i am stuck on how to make a gable roofing of a somewhat complex plan ( to me). any one to help me solve this pazzle. attached the the picture of the house i am trying out and the model i have started in sketch
try out.skp (1.2 MB)
Start with the basics: The learning Center and SketchUp You Tube.
Both sites are by the SketchUp Team. Your time spent there is well worth it.
First group the walls–or all that you have drawn, so you don’t mess them up. Draw a plan based on an outline of the top of the walls and offset the surface outward for your overhang. Make this another group to work within.
Inside the roof plan group. Draw a line for each ridge from the midpoint of each gable line. Draw diagonals exactly 45 degrees from each inside corner for your valleys. Draw additional 45 deg diagonals to indicate the hip edges. Valley and hip edges should all intersect at the ridge lines if
- the eave heights are all equal AND
- the pitch is the same on all sides.
From here you have the basis of how the roof will lay out
After drawing it all one way. I looked closely at the picture and realized it’s not all gables (not so nice)
You still get the ridge line from the midpoint of the end wall but you draw in hips at 45 degrees.
That’s just a plan of the roof to understand what’s there. There are many ways to approach the roof forms. Because you have Pro and because of the general shapes, I am going to use SOLID TOOLS.
First a new group of the roof outline to the eaves. I divide the surface like this. A rectangle for each gable shape and group EACH rectangle separately. Be sure that each side is a single edge no breaks (remove lonely vertices plugin, or CleanUp repair edges) (or erase extra vertical edges after next step).
In each group push pull up the rectangle for the side fascias, draw the ridge line and, marking the angle of roof with the protractor, pull up the ridge edge, while pressing the up arrow key to meet the guide created by the protractor.
Now you can open one of the gable form groups and push pull it’s end to the ridge of the next one. Starting with the largest, then the second largest…
Use Solid tools to combine the forms.
Then you have to move the end point of the high gable back to form the hips. Use the move tool click on the point and move in the red direction. Move the cursor onto the opposing slope to inference the point to be coplanar. Then you can remove the edge where the fold was made.
Marking the hip with a guide copied off the valley and drawing a line for your fascia. Fold back the big roof form to be a hip roof, moving the top point as before, to the intersection of the guide and ridge.
There’s a little pyramid left over at the low ridge / hip intersection. just draw the hip line and erase the excess (red).
Now using offset tool you can draw your soffit line (in this case the wall line), and gable fascias. Draw edges to define the cornice at each gable.
Push pull the gables in to the wall line or what have you. (Erase the extra edges.)
I would have done it similarly but for two things.
That roof is really just one big hipped roof with two projecting gable roofs off it. So I would have started with the big roof. Then draw the two smaller ones and push/pull them out.
The other thing (and this is a personal way of modelling) is that I would have made the gable wall panels part of the walls below, just because it is illogical in building terms for them to be part of the roof.
hey thank you very much, can you share the file of what you have done so that i can easily compare. other than having to turn back and forth to this page… thank you
hey i please…this is how far i have gone am stuck here. i have tried everything…
please do share the model of the finished picture you have posted i check it out
Don’t forget to correct the reversed (grey-blue) faces in your model, as well as filling in the opening.
From the picture I can’t see why the remaining face is not filled in. Drawing an edge connecting two endpoints of the triangle may work.
try out 2.skp (1.2 MB)