Found volume between face and surface

Hi, i need to found volume between face and (rectangle) and smoothed surface.
Is there any plugin for this or it can be done by basic Sketchup commands?

It looks like it’s 2D so there’d be no volume.

I need to close area between face and surface and remove rest of the lines, make group and i can get volumen.
And i did that for other, smaller part. But is there any faster way of doing this?

I guess I’d use the Projection extension from Sketchucation to project the perimeter of the shape to the face below to create the volume.

Upload your SKP file and I’ll demonstrate.

Here is SKP file.

What is the name of extension? I cant find it in extension warehouse.

Volume problem.skp (211.7 KB)

It’s called Projections and it’s not in the Extension Warehouse. It’s available from Sketchucation as I mentioned in my last post.

The Context menu ran off the bottom but I selected everything and used Intersect Faces to create the intersections at the bottom before deleting the outer part of the face so the shape would be solid and report a volume.

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Thanks you a lot. You save my problem! :slight_smile:

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