Does anyone know why these two crown mouldings look different even though I implemented them the exact same way? i.e. I took a shape, made sure it was exploded, selected a path and used follow me. One of them shows a bunch more gemoetry than the other. I fixed it by using the soften edges feature but I am wondering why this happened in the first place.
Presumably you copied the profile from the first to use on the second. Follow Me explodes curves on the profile when it runs. Four options come to mind for dealing with it.
- Do as you did and soften the edges after running Follow Me.
- Weld the curves on the copied profile before running the second Follow Me operation.
- Copy the profile before running Follow Me the first time.
- Use Eneroth Auto Weld and enable auto weld with Follow Me. It will automatically weld the edges of the profile after Follow Me runs.
So helpful! Thank you!