I have followed all the examples - but obviously I am missing something - SK2016 Make.
rarely it works and 98% of the time it does not and I can’t figure out what the diff is.
I can create a cone every time though as you can see there is something wrong with it.
It does not matter whether the lines of the cone are touching the path or not, it will still create a cone with the same artifacts.
But when I try to create a dome, I draw the path circle. I then draw a perpendicular circle of the same diameter and cut it into a 1/4 with 2 lines to the center. The extrusion is not toughing the path.The only diff from the cone is the top is curved not straight. I select the path circle, click follow me. I click the 1/4 circle and get this message: The path that you have chosen does not begin or end on the extrusion.
If I make the extrusion on the path circle i get this:
Randomly, creating a dome does work but I have no clue why and can’t repeat it. I have tried an offset extrusion and that also worked once, but I can’t do it again.
it also crashes a lot - last crash was when I tried to create view DOME1b in a new file.
Here are the views with it attached to the path
The path circle is partially seen on the bottom
a closer view of the center
I have been successful in creating many things I did not want, so the function is working, but apparently I am not. - also why is it crashing???
It is not regular but it happens with other drawings - It was associated with autosave and a plugin last year, which was fixed by the plugin creator. I guess I need to turn off autosave and see if that is triggering it again.
I do not have any more hair to pull out so please find me an answer!!!
How large are these things you are trying to create? If they are very small or contain very short edges, it is possible you are crashing into SketchUp’s issues when creating small geometry.
Most of your screen shots make it look like you aren’t setting things up correctly. It would appear that the profile isn’t centered on the center of the path you are using. That would create what you see in the first image.
@bill_ruggirello could you post an image (or model) of how you have the geometry set up just before you invoke follow-me for the cone? From your images I can’t tell what you attempted to use as the profile or how it was placed with respect to the path.
I explained what it appears is the reason for the artifacts on the cone.
Try working centered on the origin. Drag out a circle on the groundplane. Then draw a triangle with its right angle at the origin. Select the circle’s edge, get Follow Me and click on the triangle. Do you get the artifact?
yes that is how I have been doing it but the artifacts appear at model size. So I just need to work at x10 all the time. It should be easier anyway since i won’t have to think about decimals.
I do this from time to time when I am dealing with small dimensions and the follow me tool, then I just scale it down. Alternatively I work to scale and then when I am ready to use the follow me tool I will scale that component up by 10 or 100 and then scale it back down .1 or .01 after I am done.
The Extension Profile Builder 2 has a revolve tool for this sort of modelling. Way easier and quicker than using follow-me. And with more consistent results.