Final result with blurry reflecting, denoiser

Continuing the discussion from Glass become blurry, once rendering is done:

Hi everyone,
i got almost same problem. In final result my glasses table top is blurry, when i use Denoiser - Vray. if I use Denoiser Nvidia, the result is clear. Can you help me? How to get a nice reflecting result with Denoiser Vray? Why i need help? Another details is better with Vray denoiser.

You can control the opacity of the denoiser in the frame buffer window - I often end up turning it down for these kinds of reasons + some noise is desirable.

You didn’t respond to it in the last thread, but what do you glass material settings look like?
Most of the glass materials don’t have a perfect reflective surface, so there is always a degree of blurriness.
You can change the glossiness setting or even something like the GGX falloff if you need to make it smoother


Thank you so much for your help. However i really dont know how can i do that? Can you send me a detailed procedure to achieve focus