Ran across something interesting, which I can repeat across different .skp files.
After opening a file and doing some edits. If I use the ‘revert’ command, I’m no longer able to select anything after the command has completed it’s job. . . I Can’t directly click on things, or draw a selection box around them.
BUT,… If I try some other tool, or even just press the ‘space bar’ down on my keyboard… that seems to reset SketchUp and the selection tool gets reactivated once again… with no noticeable issues thereafter.
Figured I’d mention this to see if it an issue unique to my own computer setup, or if others can verify the same effect on their systems.
Reverting (by Ctrl+[Z]) or the undo button does not change the selected tool prior to this operation. So you’re “stuck” with this tool. You’ll either need to press [Space bar] to get the ‘Select’ tool (to make a selection) or click on it or some other tool.
I didn’t use the Undo command (Ctrl + Z). It’s the ‘Revert’ command which is on the ‘File’ Menu that caused the issue for me.
I had done a number of edits on a .skp file and want to backtrack over the steps I had taken… and rather than hitting so many undo KB shortcuts I opted for the revert command (in an effort to get back to the original file condition)… and stumbled upon things in that way.
I’d be curious to see what results you get, if you can please test it out on your system.