Face creation

Hope someone can help.
I create landscape elements in AutoCAD & import to Sketchup.
These are all closed shapes (as I could hatch them in AC).
I’ve tried to copy paste, used Eneroth Face Creator (UFC), but I cannot seem to get these to be individual faces. The attached model is after I used UFC. It converted 2, but not the others.
Advice is appreciated!
LandscapeTest.skp (217.4 KB)



circles and curves are transformed into polygons and segments. as a result, you’ll get this. it looks like it touches but it doesn’t.

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I went in and closed all those and I got one more face, but I cant get the other 2.
Unless I missed one…
LandscapeTest.skp (213.5 KB)

You missed the one where the heavy profile edge runs into the blue one.

To find it, I welded all of the curves and then started select edges. If that heavy edge had intersected the circle the circle would have been split at that intersection and Weld wouldn’t have welded the segments across the intersection.
LandscapeTest.skp (82.9 KB)

There’re 5 places where a line doesn’t meet the intended line it was going to, and a short overlapping line that won’t get a face - it’s tiny gaps. If you fix those it takes faces ok.
View with edit-points showing in your style…
Use the Move tool to pick and relocate the lines’ ends.
Drawing a few temporary lines across the more complicated blobs forces faces to form, without using any extensions… You can delete them afterwards.

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