Is it possible to buy more than one license for an extension? I’m specifically interested in Julia’s Auto Weld. Currently I have SketchUp 2018 installed on four computers and on one or two of them I get a message indicating there’s no valid license or I’ve already used it on too many computers. I’d buy another license but when I go to the Extension Warehouse to do so, the only option available seems to be to uninstall the extension. I realize I could register with a new user name but I’d prefer to not do that if I can avoid it. Is there an alternative that lets me use my regular user name?
I’m also interested in how this works. A single license should work on two SketchUp installs but for more “seats” I think you have to have more users accounts. Not sure though. The whole licensing API is wrapped in mysteries.
I suppose for most users two seats is enough since that would cover a single license.
This may be one of those kinds of questions that a member of the SU Team may be able to address: