Extension Warehouse in Sketchup for Schools?

Can I use the Extension Warehouse in Sketch up for Schools?

I don’t believe that’s an option at this time. You would need to use a locally installed version of SketchUp to use extensions.

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As far as I know, it’s not possible and I wouldn’t count on it (not sure if the English expression is right).
I quote a post by @eneroth3 on August 2017.

There is no Ruby API in SketchUp for Schools at this time (and some serious technical hurdles on the way to implementing one). So no, extensions are currently not possible in SFS and therefore there is no point in providing access to the Extension Warehouse.

What extension are you hoping to be able to use in SketchUp for Schools?



Actually figured it out, wanted to create a stl file, found that under download
Thanks for checking


Oh, that’s where that is! Thanks. BTW, the plugin, Solid Inspector, is also an important part of the workflow to prepare STL files for 3D printing.

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@RTCool, thanks for the feedback! We’re looking into how to make 3D printing exports as easy as possible. Great suggestion.

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