I am wondering if something has changed in SU 2021 relating to exporting to STL files…
It used to be (SU 2020) that I could select a group and then use Export to STL with the "Export only current selection’’ option and I would get an export of that group in the STL.
Now, it seems that I need to open up the group and then “Select All” to create an STL with everything in that group.
If I just select the group (without opening it) and then export top an STL (also with the “Export only current selection”) I will get no output file…nothing will be exported.
It’s a minor but frustrating hassle to need to click into a group and the select all in order to create the STL file of the part that I need.
Is this change for some good reason, or is it intentional, or am I doing it in a way harder then it needs to be?
(I group parts of a model to be 3D printed in groups so that they don’t have their sides merge into each other. I put the groups onto separate layers (tags) so I can turn them on and off individually.)