Export .SKP file to KMZ.file into Google Earth not work

Hi All,
I woking model on SKP 2020 then use kmz file in google earth, I got problem when exported from .SKP file to KMZ.file then open that file into Google Earth can open but model not come up
How to fix this problem as medel attached below…
6 Axles of SPMT Beam-In.skp (1.2 MB)

6 Axles of SPMT Beam-In.kmz (558.4 KB)

As video show problem below…

Test this file - SPMT-05.kmz (718.1 KB)
(I exploded all the groups and components, and exported only raw geometry)

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Yes, As I open from your file it work. But I test with my SKP already exploded all the groups and components then open KMZ file for model not come up again refer my video below. Can you explain more, Thany you

Are you sure you have explode all the groups? And Purge all groups/components.

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