Export de Rhino vers Sketchup

Bonjour à la communauté SketchUp,

Je suis étudiant en architecture navale et je travaille actuellement sur un projet 3D réalisé avec le logiciel Rhinoceros 3D. Le projet a été exporté au format SketchUp. Cependant, lors de l’exportation, un message d’erreur s’affiche : « Le modèle exporté contient 137 bords de maillage plus courts que la limite minimale acceptée par SketchUp. Certaines faces peuvent être manquantes lors de l’ouverture du modèle dans SketchUp. »

Lors de l’ouverture du modèle dans SketchUp, je rencontre effectivement plusieurs problèmes, notamment des textures mal échelonnées et des faces manquantes. Vous trouverez une capture d’écran illustrant ces erreurs.

Le fichier du modèle pèse 776,5 Mo et je dispose de toutes les textures utilisées.

Je recherche quelqu’un qui pourrait m’aider à résoudre ces problèmes afin d’avoir un modèle propre.

Merci d’avance pour votre assistance.

Sorry that my French is not good enough to use to respond.

The default Rhino SketchUp export creates an unreasonably dense mesh of the Rhino surfaces. What I do to circumvent this is that before exporting to SketchUp

  • I convert the Rhino Nurbs and Quad surfaces to meshes
  • I then use the REDUCEMESH command with quite a drastic reduction factor

Naturally I don’t save the Rhino file, only export.
This lets me to have a radically smaller SketchUp file

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Ah, no worries! :smile:

Thank you for taking the time to address my issue. I have also received the Rhino source file. Do you think you could attempt this manipulation? Indeed, I am also looking to obtain a lighter file so it can be manageable to work within the model without any mesh issues.

Could you let me know if you could help me with this?

Thanks again.

Hello Anssi

I remain waiting for your return

Sorry, I am at the moment hundreds of kilometers away from the computer of mine that has Rhino. Can you install the 90-day trial and try yourself?

Good morning,

I had already taken a trial version so that I could try the export myself under different parameters so currently it is impossible to try it again on my computer

It’s good I was able to find a way to install rhino for 90 days again,
I await your instructions

In my first post.

I saw where the “REDUCEMESH” command is located but how do you convert the Rhino Nurbs and Quad surfaces into meshes

Mesh command.



Thanks I was able to find it.
You recommended that I reduce the mesh by how many percent?

On ne va pas non plus tenir votre souris !

La meilleure chose à faire est de tester différents paramètres pour voir quel est le meilleur compromis. commencez avec 90%, si ce n’est plus assez précis, diminuez, 80 puis 70, etc.

(english) : Best thing to do is to try different parameters in order to find the good compromise.

The number of polygons depends on what the SketchUp model is going to be used for. The initial more than 4,5 million will make the model very heavy and probably with many infinitesimally small faces that SketchUp has difficulty dealing with. If the model is going to be used only as a prop in a rendering, I would even try something like 80-90%.

Okay, thank you.

I will run the various tests with your recommendations. In any case, I have noticed that it significantly lightens the model.

Thanks again to you


I usually don’t go for the Rhino → Sketchup Export. It’s too messy. Try Rhino → DWG as 2018 Volume Models. After that use “CleanUp3” in Sketchup. That usually gives good results for me.

Okay thank you, I’m going to try this solution too

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