Export 2d image to print with textures

Im trying to export a 3d model to a 2d image that will keep the textures and can be printed larger. Any ideas?

File>Export>2D Image. Choose .jpg or .png. Click on Options in the export window and choose the size. Then print the image. Or just print the image using File>Print.

has to be a PDF to have the correct resolution to print large. Jpeg and png don’t do it

Choose PDF then.

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How big do you need the image to be? You can export a PNG or JPG up to 9999 pixels wide.

I’m making models of historic homes in my home town. I draw them 3d in SKP, then panelize them 2d, (above) print them, then build them. I print them as a jpeg on 8.5x11 paper at home and build them to and trouble shoot the design, then send to my local printer to print larger, 12.5"x18.5" and build them. Any other file extension but PDF resolution pixelates too much when I zoom in on the 2d image, but I lose the textures. This has worked before on other models but doesn’t now. What am I doing wrong? thanks!

PDF exports from SketchUp are vector output so textures won’t be displayed. Send your SketchUp model to LayOut, render as Hybrid and export the PDF from there.

ill try that. thank you

In LayOut, use a 12.5"x18.5" page size and set your Output Resolution to High. After exporting to PDF you can use the Scale to Fit feature in your PDF viewer to print your proofs on your home printer.