EW broken?

10 Weeks.

Just having a public change log might help a lot here. Even if some of the most important things donā€™t change itā€™d be nice to know that something changes. It could also help understand how larger things cannot be fixed directly without first fixing some underlying things.

11 weeks

12 weeksā€¦

reading that finger loud and clear

lucky number 13, that is 13 weeks

14 weeks, coding that can easily have been fixed from a home work station, makes one wonder how dedicated these people are?


Some things change, seemingly at random. On launch we had a colorful grid of top/featured extensions followed by a single row of top developers in circles followed by another grid, this monochrome gray, of categories, as a stable base for the other content to visually stand on top of.

Then Top developers, featured/top extension and categories has disappeared and come back. Now we only need to have back the the categories os that nice static base underneath the more colorful content, and we are full circle.

As Iā€™ve said before, itā€™d be nice with a change log to see what changed and why.


15 weeks and still broken

This is becoming a ā€˜classicā€™ :slight_smile:

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I hope itā€™s not perpetualā€¦


16 weeks and still nothing

Maybe they have your feature request loaded up but they are enjoying seeing how long you will go with this.

Well, I keep going until it is sorted, or until I no longer breathe.

Either way, I keep going.

What is really annoying is that this should really have been sorted by now, it isnā€™t taking development resources away. Someone has to go to a backup from before the error crept in and work from that.


I think Trimble postponed fixing the EW, so next SketchUp release they could introduce the fix as a feature :upside_down_face:
All jokes aside, please fix EW :slightly_smiling_face:

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17 weeks and countingā€¦

are we having fun yet? 18 weeks

How did that song go? Ni-ni-ni-nineteen, 19? As in weeks here. Very confidence inspiring.

After it was acknowledged here and here by SketchUp staff themselves.

I had hoped SketchUp had a higher regard for their users and were more dedicated to getting problems fixed, I guess I was wrong. This shows their attitude towards thisā€¦



juuust fā€¦ing with you

20 weeks people, 20 weeks. Thatā€™s half way through the human gestational period and not long before we head into the second trimesterā€¦ hopefully not of the person to finally fix this problem, becauseā€¦

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Itā€™s not what I observe. For me, no change, whether for my own plugins or for all of them (with *).

None of the plugins on the top line are recentā€¦

But what is wrong, the data of the extensions, or the sorting itself?