Last week I was making a drawing and gave a lot of groups a name (Instance in Entity info), so it makes it easy to know what is what. Since yesterday I can’t edit these names any more and cant add Instance to any group. It’s in all my drawings. Has something changed in the web-version?
I’ve never seen the ability to give a group or groups names in entity info. You can give components names and instances. Are you sure that you are not confusing components for groups?
There does seem to be a bug right now with Instances names for both groups and components. Instance names don’t seem to stick when added in Entity Info. Hopefully there’s a fix coming soon.
Is it still not working? For me, I can make a group and name it, or rename the Ty instance or the component definition.
It’s not working for me. The instance names don’t stick. I can create Definition Names for components but Instance doesn’t work with either groups or components. You can see that here.
Now it is failing for me. I may have been on a cached version.
@marwanobeidat could get the team to check into the problem.
That shows that I rarely work with groups.
I never use groups and almost never find Instance names useful in my modeling so I wouldn’t have noticed this issue if the OP hadn’t brought it up.
I’m not that advanced, but how do you work then? If you don’t group things, how do you hide things? If everything is loose, it’s terrible.
Components. It’s not loose geometry in components or groups. When you need more than one instance of something, it’s better to make it into a component. DaveR can articulate other advantages.
I’m not leaving loose geometry in my models. Never any loose geometry in a finished model. I only use components, though. I almost never need instance names for components, though. They just don’t add anything useful to my models.
And for hiding things, I use tags given to the components.
I also use groups heavily and was able to set group names up until recently. The web edition required pressing the Return key after typing the name and would otherwise not save it, but that workaround has also stopped.
I’ve had this problem for around a week now as well. I’ve tested on Firefox and Chrome and both are unable to save instance names. Has this been officially acknowledged as a bug and is being worked upon?
When I use SketchUp Web Free I have no issue saving groups with instance names and changing their names > then saved again.
Nor with components and their instance names and their definitions > then saving again correctly.
I’ll see if there is an update that has these issues.
Also I’ll update Google Chrome OS to check for saving issues.
Is this an intended behaviour or an unintended consequence of the update? I don’t see anything in the changelog that I interpret as changes to instance naming.
I should mention that besides trying different browsers I’ve tried it from two computers, one on Windows 11 and one on Fedora Linux, and I’ve tried clearing the cache on the web browsers.
Maybe a stupid question but is it possible to run the web application on a previous version to restore this function until it’s patched?
It’s either that or just convert all of my groups to components but I’d rather keep dividing up groups and components in my workflow. They both have their uses.
Converting to components won’t do you any good. Same issues. No, it is not intended behavior, hence no mentioning in the log updates. It should be considered as a bug in the update.
No you can’t go back to a previous version.
I’m trapped the same way as you (just to see if you were right about the renaming issues).
Fortunately I only use it for testing.